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I actually wanted to call this site Mental Illness in AZ, but the URL looked confusing as "mentalillnessinAZ.blogspot" Breakdown i...

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

How do single parents do it?

 How does anyone do this without a partnership? Seriously !!! A took time off to care for R and feels insecure about pulling her weight. Her other tasks involve coordinating care and benefits and that is a full-time job in itself. 

I can't imagine working my jobs and doing that on the side. No way. Endless phone calls that go round and round, waiting and waiting on hold or for an important callback. It's a pejorative term, but it's babysitting. Babysitting people into empathy, or even, in some cases, into competence. 

I've often said it's like the flip of a coin, you get someone willing to help and has the knowledge to do so, or you don't. It's the latter that takes all of your time. I still remember that one doctor from the trauma ward who gave us such a hard time. Everyone else was the best. But for her, we were an inconvenience she wanted gone. I can't really fault her too much because when you call in for customer service, or even support, these days you get a microcosm of that. Why? 

I have some thoughts, but they lead to profits over expenses. Training and manning the phone lines costs money and can be an afterthought. Sometimes, it's just plan laziness and they just want you off the phone as quick as possible. I think about this when I do my own jobs as I don't want anyone to think of me that way. We gotta do better out there. Some people really need help and shouldn't be turned away because it's too hard or complicated. Take the time to understand and help especially if you have a vital service like healthcare of any type of other vital services.

I remember A calling to sign up our son for  important services and being denied twice. His care team didn't understand why and neither could we. We even obtained a lawyer to help us navigate the application process. Then, A decided to try one more time and got a representative that took the time to walk her through the application properly and voila! we got 'em . . . finally !!! Such a relief and it feels good until you realize that it should be this way always, for everyone. 

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